Friday, June 6, 2008


I've been making a lot of mixtapes for myself lately because it's a good way to kill 15 minutes, and I have a hard time figuring out what I want to listen to in the car. Usually it's either O and A replays, or my iPod on shuffle. Mixes save me a step and require one or two less synapses to fire. They have no real theme, aside from being songs I'm into lately, which is a departure from the things I would do as the annoying, whiny, sappy pile of yuck that I was as a teenager, when every one seemed to have some sort of "love song" theme in one way or another. Thankfully as I've grown older I've devoted my energy to better, more mature things, like being devoid of almost all emotion, and staring through most people at the wall behind them when they talk to me as I think about how much better it would be if I was petting large jungle animals in Thailand. One glaring omission though, from the love song mixtapes of yore, was the lead off track to Sabbath's "Master of Reality".

"Sweet Leaf": Great love song, or greatest love song?

Black Sabbath - "Master of Reality" (1971)

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